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Different Kind of A Conscientious Objection On "War": Quo Vadis?

Quiet Spirits in The Sky ...

– #Uneasy Digest: It ain’t that easy … Folks!

I always thought everyone was against war until I found out, there are those who are all for it, especially those who do not have to go there. (Erich Maria Remarque)

What a cool remark of Remarque's[1] being peddled around nowadays … deserving a Billion likes on Instagram, Facebook N Tik Tok, right?

Not surprisingly, Germany's new Film Adaptation of Remarque's, All Quiet On The Western Front won four(!) Academy Awards. Now clap your hands everybody!

Alongside, the World's Democratic Hemisphere 's been engaging in somewhat of an uptight or at least uneasy socio-political Debate on the Pros, Cons and Controversies to mandatory vs self-obliging Military Service, as much as the so-called Conscientious Objection.

Upon closer scrutiny, Remarque’s Quote exemplifies an intellectual Dilution of how differently War is (mis)understood/spelled depending on the Individuals’ either active, passive or indifferent Contribution to substantiating a Spirit Of The Age, eventually supporting (un)wanted Aggression, either considered Defence/Offence or simply invertedly labelled Offence/Defence.

So … what do you think Humpty Dumpty?

HUMPTY DUMPTY: When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean neither more nor less. ALICE: The question is, whether you can make words mean so many different things. HUMPTY DUMPTY: The question is, which is to be master that’s all. (Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass)

Now this!

What would an Individual being exposed to Natural Hazards do(?) without Emergency Management, last not least Firefighters, when required?

Anyone, anyone?

What would an Individual, facing the minor and major Expressions of Everyday Aggression do(?) without The Legal Framework on Human and other Constitutional Rights as much as immediate Police Support, when required?

Anyone, anyone?

Acompanying The Spirit in The Sky! in the short or long-run seems to be a neat religious ... sorry ... idiosyncratic idea, comforting particularly those simple Minds if not comfortably numb Ones having never been in touch with the Grass Roots of Mankind’s limitless Cruelty, for these Folky Peacemakers usually refrain from being a Part of The Problem! Quo Vadis?, dear Spiritual Spectators N Couch Potatoes?!

God ... sorry ... Humpty Dumpty may not bless ya ... at all,

Cal Caleido

Paradoxical Post Scriptum / Remarque in reverso

I always thought everyone was pro war until I found out, there are those who are all against it, especially those who do choose to go there.

Frame of Reference

[1] All Quiet on the Western Front | Summary, Characters, Analysis, & Facts | Britannica ––– related as follows: All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) : Lewis Milestone : Internet Archive  All Quiet on the Western Front (1979 film) (Wikiped) ––– All Quiet on the Western Front (2022 film) (Wikiped) ––– note: More Remakes … sorry … Remarques comin‘ up!

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