– #Short Story of a Plea: No Way to Treat a Human Being like a Flower[1] –
Proof is the evidence used to either support or ascertain that something happened or that a person’s statement is true. Proof is a requirement in any criminal trial. Criminal statutes have several elements, each of which must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Absent such evidence, a person cannot be convicted of a crime. The burden of proof – or rather, who is required to supply evidence proving that something is true – falls upon the prosecution in criminal cases. Proof is also a requirement in civil trials, though the standard proof needs to meet is not “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Instead, the standard of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence, which means it must be more likely than not that something happened. Generally, plaintiffs have the burden of proof and must supply evidence that the claims they allege are accurate, though sometimes the burden of proof switches to defendants. (Cornell Law School, Proof)
Ever since Round Up[2] became an issue[3] and despite having settled Deals on Claims for Damages[4] in the meantime, Bayer’s Executive Board of Directors seems to have contistently professed at denying Glyphosate‘s[5] carcinogetic[6] Product Quality on doubting an undisputed Cause-Effect Correlation.
Of course, the Number of Probands[7] and the Scope of Time[8] having related to studies accordingly, will’ve proven insufficient – right?!
Now, given the similarity between Plants and Humans[9], it’s rather inconceivable, why human exposure to Glyphosate shouldn’t be harming human beings – unless they were genetically modified[10] too.
By analogy, global Industrialisation and State of Economic Development[11] sparking Urban Sprawl[12], yielding inclining Greenhouse Emissions[13] and Air Pollution[14] as much as rising Global Cancer Incidence[15] is everyone’s fault – right?!
Hence, nobody’s to blame for Climate Change[16] except Mankind – right?!
Notwithstanding research[17] on her own account, the European Union has eventually declared Glyphosate legally sound, authorising[18] its use for another 10 years within EU territory.
How about sharing a Quadruple of Odd Facts, figuratively fitting the issue of dubious confidence swindling[19]?
Par example, France made the EU label nuclear power[20] Green Energy.
Believe it or not, just look it up, the EU proclaims a policy on protecting animals at the time of killing[21].
By the way, the FSC[22] claims Gum Trees[23] to supercompensate for Earth’s surging Deforestation[24].
Holy shit … the permanent Pharmaceutication of Live Stock[25] brings about pharmaceuticised Manure deployed in Agricultural Irrigation, resulting in a gradually surging pharmaceutical contamination of Soil and Freshwater.
Should that merely suggest managing earthbound Pharmaceuticals[26]?
It seems, Mankind produces more scientific metatases[27] than he can handle. Well at least when it comes to headaches, Mama Earth no longer needs to take Aspirin.
Why don’t you take one or two too?!
Frame of Reference
[1] By analogy: "Quincy" No Way to Treat a Flower (TV Episode 1979) - Plot Summary - IMDb: Quincy investigates the death of a teenager who smoked marijuana treated with a chemical [Colchicine (Wikiped)] that stimulates plant growth.
[2] Roundup (herbicide) (Wikiped)
[3] Monsanto legal cases (Wikiped) ––– Bayer Isn’t Out of the Roundup Woods as 30,000 Claims Remain (2) (bloomberglaw.com) ––– What are the obstacles to Bayer settling Roundup lawsuits? | Reuters ––– Monsanto ordered to pay $289 million in world's first Roundup cancer trial | Reuters
[4] Roundup Lawsuit: August 2023 Update Cancer Class Action Suit (drugwatch.com)
[5] Glyphosate (Wikiped) ––– related studies as follows: US EPA-Pesticides; 103601, Glyphosate, isopropylamine salt [1992] (archive.epa.gov) ––– Comparative genotoxicity of herbicides Roundup, Stomp & Reglone in plant & mammalian test systems - Mutagenesis [2006] (silverchair.com) ––– 400.Review of genotoxicity studies of glyphosate and glyphosate-based formulations [2013] (tandfonline.com) ––– Glyphosate Task Force on Review of Genotoxicity Publications [2015] (scienceopen.com) ––– Glyphosate (AIR II) - Peer Review Report [2015] (corporateeurope.org) ––– 500.Glyphosate Issue Paper- Evaluation of Carcinogenic Potential [2016] (epa.gov) ––– 600.Genotoxic effects of Roundup Full II® on lymphocytes of Chaetophractus villosus - In vitro studies [2017] (plos.org) ––– Toxicity of Sublethal Concentrations of Glyphosate and Paraquat Herbicide in the African Catfish [2018] (core.ac.uk) ––– 701.To be or not to be a carcinogen; delving into the glyphosate classification controversy [2018] (scielo.br) ––– Pesticide Peer Review on Glyphosate (2022) (europa.eu)
[6] Note: In the early 90s, Bayer’s subsidiary Desowag was exposed to litigation on extremely poisonous Wood Protection Agents containing Pentachlorophenol (Wikiped), impurities of Dioxin (Wikiped) and Hexachlorocyclohexane (Wikiped), i.e. Lindane (Wikiped). The so-called Wood Protection Agent Trial (1991 to 1993) in Frankfurt, Germany featured a Landmark Court Decision in favour of Consumer Protection against Environmental Crime. Former State Attorney Erich Schöndorf (Wikiped - German) – online applicatons should render a sufficient translation of content – was the according prosecutor and pioneered Environmental Criminal Law.
[7] – millions .... billions?! –
[8] – 10 ... 100 ... 10000 years ... forever?! –
[9] Comparison of Plant Cells & Human Cells (sciencing.com)
[10] Genetic engineering: The world's greatest scam? - YouTube
[11] IMF DataMapper. Key data from the World Economic Outlook and other databases. (mappingworlds.nl)
[12] Mega Cities and Urban Sprawl (megacities-megachallenge.org)
[13] Greenhouse gas emissions soaring around the globe | WORLDFOCUS
[14] The Global Toll of Fine Particulate Matter (nasa.gov)
[15] Cancer's Global Footprint | Interactive map of cancer (globalcancermap.com)
[16] Related feature: Soothe the Lion‘s Tooth - Cal Caleido’s Substack
[17] Briefing European Parliamentary Research Service - Authorisation of pesticides in the EU with a focus on Glyphosate [2018](europa.eu) ––– related: EFSA explains the scientific assessment of Glyphosate (europa.eu)
[18] Commission proposes 10 year Glyphosate Renewal (arc2020.eu)
[19] Edwin M. Schur, Sociological Analysis of Confidence Swindling (northwestern.edu): Almost twenty years ago L. L. Bernard, noting the prevalence of various types of fraud in American society, stated: "We have reached the fraud stage of social control in the evolution of successsion of forms in social control."' There seems little doubt that today we are still in what Bernard terms the fraud stage of development. Swindling appears to be a strongly entrenched national phenomenon, many instances of which are reported daily in newspapers throughout the country. Though fraud of course takes on a wide variety of forms, from a sociological view almost all fraud can be seen to contain the kernel of the "confidence game" procedure -the creation, by one means or another, of a relation of confidence, through which a swindle is effected. All types of con games fall into a general pattern which may be described briefly as follows. The swindler (or swindlers, for several racketeers often band together to form a "con mob") selects a person who appears likely to be a good "sucker" (or, in the argot of the con man, "mark"). After establishing some degree of rapport with the mark, and once he sees that the mark will trust him, the con man tells the mark of a dishonest scheme by which they can make some money. The mark gives the swindler his money, which he never again sees. Because he has placed his confidence in the con man, it never occurs to the mark (until it is too late) that he is the object rather than the co-perpetrator of the swindle. Unfortunately there is no way to accurately gauge the extent of criminal fraud in the United States today. Victims of con games (who, themselves, sought to gain dishonestly) rarely report their losses; many victims of related types of fraud never fully realize they were "taken." And where the loss is small, the victim often prefers not to bother getting involved with the police. Thus especially in the realm of fraud, "crimes known to the police" fall far short of crimes actually committed. Despite the uncertainty, experts agree on the magnitude of the fraud problem. According to Maurer, it may well be that "The three big-con games, the wire, the rag, and the pay-off, have in some forty years of their existence.... produced more illicit profit for the operators and for the law than all other forms of professional crime (excepting violations of prohibition law) over the same period of time."
[20] EU decision to label nuclear ‘green’ is key to energy transition and autonomy – EURACTIV.com
[21] Council Regulation (EC) No. 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing. | UNEP Law and Environment Assistance Platform
[22] Forest Stewardship Council (Wikiped)
[23] A Home Among the Gum Trees | Forest Stewardship Council (fsc.org)
[24] Interactive World Forest Map & Tree Cover Change Data | GFW (globalforestwatch.org)
[25] Residual Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in Animal Manures and Their Environmental Behaviors in Soils (researchgate.net) ––– Water pollution from pharmaceutical use in livestock farming: Assessing differences between livestock types and production systems - Wöhler - Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management - Wiley Online Library – Blank (copernicus.org) ––– Worldwide Traceability of Antibiotic Residues from Livestock in Wastewater and Soil: A Systematic Review (escholarship.org) ––– Residual Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in Animal Manures and Their Environmental Behaviors in Soils (learningandyearning.com)
[26] Pharmaceuticals Residues in Freshwater-Policy Highlights Preliminary Version (oecd.org)