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Putin Walkin‘ Hitler's Path!

Have the Lessons from (European) History (not) been learnt (in Germany)?

– #Easy Digest: Three Fragments of European History denying Reason for Appeasement[1]

I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do. Behaviour never lies. (Winston Churchill)

#1 ABSOLUTELY GERMAN! | Takeover Of Austria / The Anschluss[2]

Hitler's diplomatic tactics were to make seemingly-reasonable demands and to threaten war if they were not met.

Seyss-Inquart[3] advocated Austria's political Annexation to Germany and fostered intimate relations with Austria's NSDAP. Him heading the Austrian Nazis' modest Faction, Hitler[4] contributed to Seyss-Inquart's Appointment to the Austrian State Council[5] in June 1937.

As a Change Agent, his Key Mission served priming Austrian Nazis to be co-operative with The Führer.

In February 1938, Hitler's persistent intimidation of Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg lead to Seyss-Inquart being appointed Minister of the Interior and Security eventually assuming Office as Austria's Federal Chancellor, replacing Schuschnigg[6] in March 1938, kicking off The Anschluss.

#2 CONSIDERABLY GERMAN! | Partial Takeover Of Czechoslovakia / The Sudetenland

After concessions were made, he accepted them and moved onto a new demand.

Hitler lead the Munich Agreement's[7] ratification by Nazi Germany[8], Great Britain[9], the French Republic[10] and Fascist Italy[11] in September 1938. It yielded a part of Czechoslovakia's[12], ie. the Sudetenland's[13] Annexation to the Third Reich[14], then taking over more than three million people ethnically of German origin.

#3 FORMERLY GERMAN! | Takeover Of Poland[15] / The Rückkehr

When opponents tried to appease him, he accepted the gains that were offered and went to the next target. That aggressive strategy worked as Germany pulled out of The League of Nations.

Allegedly, Hitler was only being interested in re-gaining those German territories, annexed to Poland[16] after the First World War[17]. These included Danzig[18] and the Polish Corridor[19], a strip of land having separated East Prussia[20] from the Third Reich since 1920.

Got it ... so, what ‘s the bottom line?

Anyone, anyone?

Respectfully yours,

Cal Caleido

Frame of Reference

Vladimir Putin's "New Soviet System" ––– Putin's Echo Chamber ––– Putin’s Very First Coup in 1999 at The Intourist Hotel

Making Russia Great Again ––– TrumPutinian Tango & Th‘ Russian Mafia! (

When White Supremacy Took Over ...

Germany’s Lord of The Appeasement: Barely Enough to Keep Body and Soul Together!

[1] Germany’s Ukraine policy is incoherent for a reason – POLITICO: “Europe clearly faces a moment when it will be necessary not to be cowards,” French President Emmanuel Macron said this week, in comments that appeared to be aimed at Scholz. “Scholz’s behavior has showed that as far as the security of Europe goes he is the wrong man in the wrong job at the wrong time,” former United Kingdom Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said last week.

[2] Anschluss (Wikiped) ––– Ostmark (Austria) (Wikiped)

[3] Arthur Seyss-Inquart | Nazi leader, Holocaust, World War II | Britannica

[4] Adolf Hitler | Biography, Rise to Power, History, & Facts | Britannica

[5] State Council (German-Austria) (Wikiped)

[6] Kurt Schuschnigg (Wikiped)

[7] Munich Agreement (Wikiped) ––– related: League of Nations | History, Definition & Purpose | Britannica

[8] Germany - Nazi, Holocaust, WW2 | Britannica ––– Third Reich | Facts & History | Britannica

[9] British Empire in World War II (Wikiped) ––– Military history of the United Kingdom during World War II (Wikiped)

[10] French Third Republic (Wikiped) ––– France during World War II (Wikiped)

[11] Fascist Italy (Wikiped)

[12] Czechoslovakia (Wikiped)

[13] Sudetenland (Wikiped)

[14] Third Reich | Facts & History | Britannica ––– Germany - Nazi, Holocaust, WW2 | Britannica

[15] History of Poland during World War I (Wikiped) ––– related as follows: Hitler's Obersalzberg Speech (Wikiped) ––– Hitler’s Obersalzberg Specch ( ––– Hitler's Armenian reference (Wikiped)

[16] History of Poland (1939–1945) (Wikiped) ––– related as follows: Timeline of events preceding World War II (Wikiped) ––– Causes of World War II (Wikiped) ––– | ––– World War II | Facts, Summary, History, Dates, Combatants, & Causes | Britannica ––– WW2 Dates & Timeline | Holocaust Encyclopedia (

[17] World War I | History, Summary, Causes, Combatants, Casualties, Map, & Facts | Britannica

[18] Gdansk | Population, Map, Poland, & Facts | Britannica

[19] Polish Corridor (Wikiped)

[20] East Prussia (Wikiped)

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