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Legit Drugs ... The Devil’s Answer!

Just one (more) fix? ... who ‘s (been) experienced?!

– #Trivium of partial derivatives on devilishly decent Drugs –

Death is everywhere / There are flies on the windscreen / For a start / Reminding us / We could be torn apart / Tonight / Death is everywhere / There are lambs for the slaughter / Waiting to die / And I can sense / The hours slipping by / Tonight (Depeche Mode, Fly On The Windscreen)

In following-up on the previous publication[1], this feature deals with the US Fentanyl Crisis‘[2], its global Commuting Area[3] and medical Complex(ity) of Health Issues[4] in the context of drug-related issues of national and international concern.

Corresponding resources hint at the United States of America and Europe/European Union having turned into hot spots/hubs of global Opioid Supply/Trade (Trafficking[5]), increasingly stemming from China introducing a long-standing Narcotics[6] Culture[7] of Soci(et)al Pain Management[8].

By the way, who remembers the US Meth Crisis?![9] ... anyone, anyone?!

In fact, those Substances declared as Drugs[10] necessitate dealing with the issue in principle without attempting to be tapping into a criminological, sociological or other scientific investigation altogether.

Specifically, this essay expresses legitimate concern about the surprising extent to which the Western Hemisphere of Apex Nations has come to epitomise an odd hybrid of social Despair and Narcotisation at cross purposes with the Tenets of Political Liberty, Economic Power and Freedom of Choice.

Implicitly, this sketch of an elaboration implicitly bears on matters having been subject to the author's Childhood Experiences as much as School Education and Socio-Political Interests during the late 70s to early 80s.

∂f/∂f1 | HERO(IN)ES

French Connection[11] (1971) and David Bowie's Heroes[12] (1977), Theme to the movie motion picture Christiane F[13] (1981) on her Autobiography as an adolescent Drug Addict gained international fame, attracting international concern about Drug Abuse, Prostitution and Sex Trafficking eking out a miserable Existence and Subsistence of those People winding up as poor Sideshows to Organised Crime.

Back in the day, Teenagers were either intellectually or much worse, physically confronted with the Causes, Effects and Soci(et)al Consequences of (un)intentional Consumption of Alcohol[14], Inhalants[15] and Tobacco[16].

Oops ... how about Sugar[17] and Fat[18] … Performance Enhancing Drugs[19] … Internet Media[20] … and other kinds of Drugs (Narcotics)[21] ... an odd question?

Oddly enough, recurring political Discussions on the Legalisation of so-called soft Drugs such as Cannabis[22] primarily focus on legal aspects of decriminalisation. Implicitly, these Questions of Conscience emphasise doubtful econo-social benefits, i.e. corporate and state Revenues on Consumption – negelecting the socio-economic Burden[23] in turn – as much as societal pacification in a broader sense of promoting the de-politicisation of a Populace increasingly disenchanted with Politics.

Such Talks forego the integral psychosomatic Causes of and soci(et)al Incentives[24] to consuming Alcohol, Tobacco, soft n heavy Intoxicants.

Accordingly, the Taxonomy of Depression[25], Burnout[26], ADHD[27] more or less across all Age and Peer Groups as much as the Phenomenology of soci(et)ally spreading medical Prescriptions![28] and Consumption of Stimulants, Medication, Drugs require extensive investigation in regard to exploring the Vicious Circle/Cycle of Causes, Effects and corresponding Repercussions stemming from the aforementioned Arrays of Fact Findings.

Talkin‘ ‘bout Prescriptions![29] ... quote

According to the American Psychological Association, the misuse of opioid pain relievers and stimulants has also risen during the pandemic, as people attempt to cope with conditions like anxiety and depression.

Prescription drug statistics worldwide

  • More than 26% of UK adults take prescription medications (Public Health England, 2020). 

  • About 35% of Australians take prescription medicine every day (Health Direct, 2018). 

  • In Canada, about 65% of people aged 40-79 take one or more prescription drugs (CDC, 2019). 

  • More than 39 million people around the world have drug use disorders (United Nations, 2023).

  • Pain medications are the most commonly abused prescription drugs (Mississippi State Department of Health, 2021). 

  • Only 1 in 5 people receive treatment for drug use disorders around the world (United Nations, 2023).

  • The global number of opioid users is estimated to be 53 million (United Nations, 2019).

Prescription drug statistics in the United States

  • There are more than 20,000 prescription drugs that are approved for marketing (FDA, 2020).

  • About 66% of U.S. adults take prescription drugs (Health Policy Institute, 2021).

  • About 46% of U.S. adults have taken a prescription drug in the past 30 days (CDC, 2019).

  • The therapeutic areas with the highest spending in the U.S. are antidiabetics, oncologics, autoimmune, and respiratory diseases (Statista, 2021).

  • The leading drug classes in the U.S. are antihypertensives, pain relievers, and mental health drugs (Statista, 2021). 

  • The most commonly abused types of prescription drugs in the U.S. are opioids, tranquilizers, benzodiazepines, and prescription stimulants (Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2014).

  • The U.S. consumed about 30% of the world’s supply of opioids in 2015 (Politifact, 2017).

  • In 2022, 107,081 people died from opioid overdoses (CDC, 2023).

Prescription drug statistics by age group

Prescription drug use tends to increase with age. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 2015-2016:

  • 18% of children aged 0-11 years old reportedly used prescription drugs in the past 30 days

  • 27% of adolescents aged 12-19 years old reportedly used prescription drugs in the past 30 days

  • 47% of adults aged 20-59 years old reportedly used prescription drugs in the past 30 days

  • 85% of adults aged 60 or older reportedly used prescription drugs in the past 30 days

(CDC, 2019)

Teen prescription drug misuse statistics

  • Prescription drug misuse is highest among young adults aged 18 to 25 (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2020).

  • 1 in 7 teens has taken a prescription drug without a doctor’s prescription (Teens Health, 2018).

  • About 4% of high school seniors reported taking Adderall in 2020, and more than 1% reported using Vicodin (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2021).

  • About 4% of Americans aged 12 and older have used prescription pain relievers for nonmedical reasons (SAMHSA, 2105).

  • 23% of college students had a lifetime history of prescription drug abuse (Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2014).

Talkin‘ ‘bout Prescriptions![30] ... unquote


Paradoxically, these mushrooming Neo-Diseases of Civilisation 've been accounting for an increasing Share in the Gross Domestic/National Product[31] in terms of Industries[32] and Occupational Groups having originated somehow and invested themselves ever since.

Per se, the Legalisation of soft Drugs such as Cannabis may surely serve a Decriminalisation of its Users and Potential Consumers. Formerly, the term Gateway Drug used to express unbiassed Consumers’ tacit exposure to entering into the (criminal) Drug Scene.

Reversely, the proposed medical, legal, political and soci(et)al Trivialisation of some Drugs offers Organised Crime Gateway Markets rendering Incentives to shifting and expanding their Core Businesses of Drug Trafficking into legal(ised) Drug Sectors – without neglecting their Criminal Tradition at all ... what a cool double-track business model!

Now clap your hands everybody ... long-standing academic points of view and fresh political advertisements seem to ‘ve proven even less farsighted than an ancient Cyclops.

By analogy, neither the Prohibition in the United States[33] nor its Repeal put an end to common Traits and Binges of social drinking and its long-term Societal Cost/Loss of Damage[34].


George Carlin (RIP) would ‘ve ridiculed the conflicting connotations[38] to the term Drug: Well, if the Federal Drug Administration authorises Drugs and Drug Stores sell them, what are the Drug Squad Officers doing here? They never mention that part to us do they?[35]

Drug[36] ... Medicine[37] ... merely a play of words?

When ‘s a Substance/Habit (to be considered) a bad drug[39], good medicine[40]?

Commonly, Drug still implies a a Human Being’s physical, psychological Decay and social Decline – whatever that should mean in a Material World. However, such shallow Indications may not necessarily prove explicit Signs of people fading way ... killing themselves softly ... dying hard on the one hand; on the other, getting conspicuously fat (Obesity[41]).

Moreover, neither does the (legal) availabililty of notorious addictive ingredients such as Caffeine[42], Sugar[43] and Fat[44], nor synthetical Sweetening (Sugar Substitutes[45]) and Flavouring (Flavour Enhancers[46]) in Food and Beverages serve Performance, Health or Dieting for Weight Loss.

Reportedly, the aforementioned (artificial) Ingredients ‘ve proven to amplify, i.e. drive appetite beyond the quantitative Scope and Frequency of Intervals of natural Desire and Health, eventually encouraging People to be engaging in somewhat of a compulsory continuity of Eating and Drinking throughout the Day (and Night).

Obviously, voluntary or imposed withholding of a Substance/Habit leads to withdrawal symptoms, introducing the most obvious Yo Yo ... sorry ... Phenomenology of Addiction n RehabDespair n Hope.

Let 's continue talking about coping/dealing with ... fighting ... treating ... curing Addictions instead of taking Drugs. Ain't Watching TV, Internet Exposure[47] 24/7/365 and modern Expressions of Narcissism[48] Addictions too?

For example, has the virulent growth in ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) among Adolescents and Adults signified merely a Disease of Civilisation or a withdrawal symptom from Convenient Living/High Life, i.e. all Kinds of Entertainment suiting treatment of limitless idiopathic Boredom or work-related Stress?


During the late 60s to early 70s, the author grew up between the socio-environmental Poles of Pleasantville[49] on the one hand, i.e. busy Dad[50] used to enjoy Mom’s[51] home-made Continental "Painkiller" Breakfast[52], she[53] in turn having witnessed herself in a State of postpartal/permanent Depression enjoying comfort in taking Mother’s Little Helper[54] of Anti-Depressants and Pop N Drug Culture[55] of the Flower Power Generation[56], Woodstock[57], Anti-Vietman Demonstrations[58] on the other.

Probably, Timothy Leary[59] was the most explicit academic Proporter[60] of pursuing a Journey to the Center of the Mind. In contrast, the CIA[61] took a bit more reservation in applying Drugs in due course of a Top Secret Project called MKUltra[62].

What else?

Curiosity (almost) killed the cat ... Kids could witness Teenagers snoopin‘ stuff from paper bags disguising plastic pouches bearing freely available Inhalants[63] such as Adhesives[64], Nail Polish Remover[65], White Spirit[66] and Gasoline[67], eventually trying it themselvesDrug Exposure early on!?

Who knows ... and who seems to care ... anyone, anyone?!

A Penny ... sorry ... Dollar for your thoughts.

Frame of Reference

Just One (More) Fix!

[1] Related feature: Just One (More) Fix! - Cal Caleido's Caleidoscope

[2] The U.S. Opioid Epidemic | Britannica ––– Fentanyl Flow to the United States (Dea Intelligence Report 2020) ––– Opioids: The Crisis Next Door - Stories of the Opioid Epidemic ( ––– related (1) as follows: Biden-Harris Administration Launches Campaign to Raise Awareness About the Dangers of Fentanyl and the Life-Saving Effects of Naloxone in Partnership with the Ad Council | ONDCP | The White House ––– Fentanyl Awareness | ––– Fentanyl & Overdose Prevention ( ––– CBP: America’s Front Line Against Fentanyl | U.S. Customs and Border Protection ––– related (2) as follows: Overdose deaths continue to rise in the US, reaching another record level, provisional data shows | CNN ––– Ten Dollar Death Trip Inside The Fentanyl Crisis : Dominic Streeter : Internet Archive

[3] Opioid epidemic (Wikiped) ––– A Brief History of the Opioid Epidemic and Strategies for Pain Medicine - PMC ( ––– Brief History of Opioids in Perioperative and Periprocedural Medicine to Inform the Future - PMC (

[4] Narcotic | Definition, Types, & Effects | Britannica ––– related (1) as follows:Sedation (Wikiped) ––– Polysubstance use (Wikiped) | Rapper Coolio's cause of death at 59 determined to be effects of fentanyl, heroin, meth, LA County coroner finds | ––– related (2) as follows: Opioid | Description, Examples, Classification, History, & Effects | Britannica ––– Opium | Drug, Physiological Actions, & History | Britannica ––– Oxycodone | Pain Relief, Addiction Risk & Treatment | Britannica ––– related (3) as follows: Fentanyl (Wikiped) ––– Carfentanil (Wikiped) ––– Etonitazene (Wikiped) ––– Isotonitazene (Wikiped) ––– Codeine | Pain Relief, Opioid & Analgesic | Britannica

[5] Fentanyl Flow to the United States (Dea Intelligence Report 2020) ––– related (1) as follows: Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA) Project hits the NYT – Department of the History of Medicine ( ––– Opioid Industry Documents ( ––– related (2) as follows: China’s role in the fentanyl crisis | Brookings ––– House panel says China subsidizes fentanyl production to fuel crisis in the United States | AP News ––– China’s role in the smuggling of synthetic drugs and precursors | Brookings ––– A New Trade War with an Opium Component: Can the U.S. Opioids Crisis Be Solved by Banning Fentanyl in China? - PMC ( ––– Why a deluge of Chinese-made drugs is hard to curb (

[6] Narcotic (Wikiped)

[7] History of opium in China (Wikiped) ––– Narcotic culture : a history of drugs in China : Dikötter, Frank : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ––– related: The Opium Wars in China | Asia Pacific Curriculum

[8] Current status of pain management in China: an overview - PubMed ( ––– related: In China, weight-loss drugs are becoming big business | Health News | Al Jazeera

[9] Methamphetamine (Wikiped) ––– related (1) as follows: The Meth Epidemic | FRONTLINE ( ––– Understanding The Crystal Meth Epidemic - WisHope Recovery ––– The Methamphetamine Problem in the United States - PMC ( ––– related (2) as follows: Methamphetamine Trends In the United States | The White House ( ––– USDOJ: Meth Awareness Homepage ( ––– Montana Meth Project (Wikiped)

[10] Abstract: Precursor chemicals (Wikiped) ––– Controlled substance (Wikiped) ––– related as follows: The Most Common Illicit Drugs in the World ( ––– Opioids, Cocaine, Cannabis, and Other Illicit Drugs - Our World in Data ––– Share of population with drug use disorders, 2021 ( ––– Drug use disorder deaths, 2021 ( ––– Legal Framework (US/EU): The Controlled Substances Act ( ––– / ––– European law on drug precursors (Wikiped) ––– Classification of controlled drugs – topic overview | ––– Drug History: A brief history of drugs : from the Stone Age to the stoned age : Escohotado, Antonio : Internet Archive ––– Drugs And Narcotics In History By Roy Porter And Mikulas Teich : Internet Archive ––– | ––– World Drug Report: World Drug Report 2023 ( ––– | ––– US Drug Report: NCDAS: Substance Abuse and Addiction Statistics [2023] ( ––– | ––– European Drug Report: European Drug Report 2024: Trends and Developments | ––– European Drug Report 2023 ( ––– related as follows: Drug-induced deaths – the current situation in Europe (European Drug Report 2024) | ––– EU Drug Market: Heroin and other opioids — Global context |

[11] The French Connection (film) (Wikiped)

[12] David Bowie - Heroes (Official Video) - YouTube

[13] Christiane F - Trailer (English) - YouTube ––– related as follows: Christiane F. (Wikiped) ––– Christiane F : Internet Archive ––– Zoo Station : (a memoir) : the story of Christiane F. : F., Christiane : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

[14] What are the Economic Costs to Society Attributable to Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review and Modelling Study - PMC ( ––– Economic Burden of Alcohol Misuse in the United States | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) ( ––– Addressing Excessive Alcohol Use: State Fact Sheets ( ––– The global effects of alcohol consumption on Gross Domestic Product in high- and low-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis | medRxiv

[15] Inhalant (Wikiped) ––– related (1) as follows: Adhesive (Wikiped) ––– Nail polish remover (Wikiped) ––– White spirit (Wikiped) ––– Gasoline (Wikiped) ––– specifically related (2) to the US as follows: Understanding Adolescent Inhalant Use ( ––– Assessment of Annual Cost of Substance Use Disorder in US Hospitals - PubMed ( By substance type, the cost ranged from $4 million for inhalant-related disorders to $7.6 billion for alcohol-related disorders. ––– related (3) as follows // Globally prevailing Use of Inhalants among Children and Adolescents: The epidemiology of substance use among street children in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PMC ( ––– The epidemiology of substance use among street children in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PMC ( ––– specifically related to Child Labour: Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour ( ––– | ––– United States of America: Inhalant Use and Inhalant Use Disorders in the United States - PMC ( ––– Inhalant Abuse and Dependence Among Adolescents in the United States - PMC ( ––– | ––– Latin America: SciELO - Brazil - The prevalence of inhalant use and associated factors among adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil The prevalence of inhalant use and associated factors among adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil ––– | ––– Europe / Asia: Inhalants use among school children in Europe in 2015 | Statistaspecifically related to Child Labour in Europe and Central Asia: Child Lahour in Europe and Central Asia ( deprives children from the time and opportunity needed to pass through the most critical developmental stages of life. The psychological side-effects of street work include trauma, low self-esteem, emotional disorders, and depression, as well as rob the child of moral and spiritual values. These children are also at higher risk to addictive behaviours such as alcohol and substance abuse, particularly chemical inhalants such as solvents, a dhesives, and paints.

[16] Global economic cost of smoking-attributable diseases | Tobacco Control (

[17] The burden of disease and economic impact of sugar-sweetened beverages’ consumption in Argentina: A modeling study | PLOS ONE

[18] Economic Burden of Obesity: A Systematic Literature Review - PMC (

[19] Doping in sports and its spread to at-risk populations: an international review - PMC (

[20] The cost burden of problematic internet usage - ScienceDirect ––– Editorial: The Impact of Online Addiction on General Health, Well-Being and Associated Societal Costs - PMC (

[21] Drugs and development: the global impact of drug use and trafficking on social and economic development - PubMed (

[22] Legality of cannabis (Wikiped) ––– related: Cannabis (Wikiped) ––– Note:By the way, the Human Body bears a natural Endocannabinoid system / Cannabinoid receptor!

[23] Global epidemiology of cannabis use disorders and its trend from 1990 to 2019: Benchmarking analysis of the global burden of disease study - PMC ( ––– related by analogy as follows: ALCOHOL | What are the Economic Costs to Society Attributable to Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review and Modelling Study - PMC ( ––– Economic Burden of Alcohol Misuse in the United States | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) ( ––– Addressing Excessive Alcohol Use: State Fact Sheets ( ––– The global effects of alcohol consumption on Gross Domestic Product in high- and low-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis | medRxiv ––– INHALANTS (US) | Understanding Adolescent Inhalant Use ( ––– Assessment of Annual Cost of Substance Use Disorder in US Hospitals - PubMed ( By substance type, the cost ranged from $4 million for inhalant-related disorders to $7.6 billion for alcohol-related disorders. [Adhesive (Wikiped) ––– related as follows // Globally prevailing Use of Inhalants among Children and Adolescents: The epidemiology of substance use among street children in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PMC ( ––– The epidemiology of substance use among street children in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PMC ( ––– specifically related to Child Labour: Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour ( ––– | ––– United States of America: Inhalant Use and Inhalant Use Disorders in the United States - PMC ( ––– Inhalant Abuse and Dependence Among Adolescents in the United States - PMC ( ––– | ––– Latin America: SciELO - Brazil - The prevalence of inhalant use and associated factors among adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil The prevalence of inhalant use and associated factors among adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil ––– | ––– Europe / Asia: Inhalants use among school children in Europe in 2015 | Statistaspecifically related to Child Labour in Europe and Central Asia: Child Lahour in Europe and Central Asia ( deprives children from the time and opportunity needed to pass through the most critical developmental stages of life. The psychological side-effects of street work include trauma, low self-esteem, emotional disorders, and depression, as well as rob the child of moral and spiritual values. These children are also at higher risk to addictive behaviours such as alcohol and substance abuse, particularly chemical inhalants such as solvents, a dhesives, and paints. ––– Nail polish remover (Wikiped) ––– White spirit (Wikiped) ––– Gasoline (Wikiped)] ––– TOBACCO | Global economic cost of smoking-attributable diseases | Tobacco Control ( ––– SUGAR | The burden of disease and economic impact of sugar-sweetened beverages’ consumption in Argentina: A modeling study | PLOS ONE ––– FAT | Economic Burden of Obesity: A Systematic Literature Review - PMC ( ––– PERFORMANCE ENHANCING SUBSTANCES (DOPING) | Doping in sports and its spread to at-risk populations: an international review - PMC ( ––– INTERNET MEDIA | The cost burden of problematic internet usage - ScienceDirect ––– Editorial: The Impact of Online Addiction on General Health, Well-Being and Associated Societal Costs - PMC (

[24] Drug use - Social Impact, Addiction, Treatment | Britannica ––– The Addicted Brain: Why We Abuse Drugs, Alcohol, and Nicotine ( ––– What Causes Drug Addiction? | Casa Palmera ––– Environmental Risk Factors That Influence Substance Abuse | GreeneStone ––– Social Determinants of Drug Abuse ( ––– Sociological factors of drug abuse | PPT ( ––– The Social Impact of Drug Abuse ( ––– What Are The Social Causes of Addiction? ( ––– Familial, Social, and Individual Factors Contributing to Risk for Adolescent Substance Use - PMC ( ––– Family, Individual, and Other Risk Factors Contributing to Risk of Substance Abuse in Young Adults: A Narrative Review - PMC ( ––– Poverty, homelessness, and social stigma make addiction more deadly - Harvard Health

[25] Depression is costing the global economy $1 trillion per year, warns U.S. Surgeon General | Fortune Well ––– - The Economic Cost of Depression is Increasing; Direct Costs are Only a Small Part ––– Depression is costing the global economy $1 trillion per year, warns U.S. Surgeon General | Fortune Well

[26] The Economic Burden of Burnout by Arash Nekoei, Jósef Sigurdsson, Dominik Wehr :: SSRN ––– The Overlooked Consequences of Today's Burnout Problem ( ––– The emotional and economic costs of overlooking wellbeing in the workplace - Effectory ––– How is employee burnout a concern for the global economy? (

[27] Social and Economic Costs of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Across the Lifespan - Emma Sciberras, Jared Streatfeild, Tristan Ceccato, Lynne Pezzullo, James G. Scott, Christel M. Middeldorp, Paul Hutchins, Roger Paterson, Mark A. Bellgrove, David Coghill, 2022 ( ––– Economic Burden and Service Utilization of Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - ScienceDirect ––– (PDF) Economic burden of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among children and adolescents in the United States: a societal perspective ( ––– Economic burden of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among adults in the United States: a societal perspective | Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy (

[28] 2024 Prescription drug statistics | SingleCare ––– specifically related to the United States of America as follows: Life Course Patterns of Prescription Drug Use in the United States - PMC ( ––– Americans Take Prescriptions a Large Portion of Their Lives ( ––– Prescription Drugs | Health Policy Institute | Georgetown University: More than 131 million people — 66 percent of all adults in the United States — use prescription drugs. Utilization is particularly high for older people and those with chronic conditions. ––– A Growing Number of Americans Report Taking Prescription Medications Daily - CivicScience ––– More Than Half of Americans Take Prescribed Meds Daily | Statista

[29] 2024 Prescription drug statistics | SingleCare

[30] 2024 Prescription drug statistics | SingleCare

[31] Health expenditure in relation to GDP | Health at a Glance 2023 : OECD Indicators | OECD iLibrary ( ––– Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data (

[32] Multinational pharmaceutical companies : principles and practices : Spilker, Bert : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ––– Innovation and the pharmaceutical industry : critical reflections on the virtues of profit : Internet Archive ––– Blockbuster drugs : the rise and fall of the pharmaceutical industry : Li, Jie Jack, author : Internet Archive ––– related as follows: The truth about the drug companies : how they deceive us and what to do about it : Angell, Marcia : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ––– Bad medicine : the prescription drug industry in the Third World : Silverman, Milton : Internet Archive | The Constant Gardener (film) (Wikiped) ––– Drug trade, trafficking and policies : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ––– Case in Point: Just four industries cause 2.7 million deaths in the European Region every year (

[33] Prohibition in the United States (Wikiped)

[34] What are the Economic Costs to Society Attributable to Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review and Modelling Study - PMC ( ––– Economic Burden of Alcohol Misuse in the United States | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) ( ––– Addressing Excessive Alcohol Use: State Fact Sheets ( ––– The global effects of alcohol consumption on Gross Domestic Product in high- and low-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis | medRxiv ––– related by analogy as follows: INHALANTS (US) | Understanding Adolescent Inhalant Use ( ––– Assessment of Annual Cost of Substance Use Disorder in US Hospitals - PubMed ( By substance type, the cost ranged from $4 million for inhalant-related disorders to $7.6 billion for alcohol-related disorders. ––– TOBACCO | Global economic cost of smoking-attributable diseases | Tobacco Control ( ––– related as follows // Globally prevailing Use of Inhalants among Children and Adolescents: The epidemiology of substance use among street children in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PMC ( ––– The epidemiology of substance use among street children in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PMC ( ––– specifically related to Child Labour: Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour ( ––– | ––– United States of America: Inhalant Use and Inhalant Use Disorders in the United States - PMC ( ––– Inhalant Abuse and Dependence Among Adolescents in the United States - PMC ( ––– | ––– Latin America: SciELO - Brazil - The prevalence of inhalant use and associated factors among adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil The prevalence of inhalant use and associated factors among adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil ––– | ––– Europe / Asia: Inhalants use among school children in Europe in 2015 | Statistaspecifically related to Child Labour in Europe and Central Asia: Child Lahour in Europe and Central Asia ( deprives children from the time and opportunity needed to pass through the most critical developmental stages of life. The psychological side-effects of street work include trauma, low self-esteem, emotional disorders, and depression, as well as rob the child of moral and spiritual values. These children are also at higher risk to addictive behaviours such as alcohol and substance abuse, particularly chemical inhalants such as solvents, a dhesives, and paints. ––– SUGAR | The burden of disease and economic impact of sugar-sweetened beverages’ consumption in Argentina: A modeling study | PLOS ONE ––– FAT | Economic Burden of Obesity: A Systematic Literature Review - PMC ( ––– PERFORMANCE ENHANCING SUBSTANCES (DOPING) | Doping in sports and its spread to at-risk populations: an international review - PMC ( ––– INTERNET MEDIA | The cost burden of problematic internet usage - ScienceDirect ––– Editorial: The Impact of Online Addiction on General Health, Well-Being and Associated Societal Costs - PMC (

[35] By figurative analogy: Quote by George Carlin: “Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fi...” ( ––– related: George Carlin | Stand-up comedy, satire, social commentary | Britannica

[36] Drug (Wikiped)

[37] Medication (Wikiped)

[38] Societal Frame of Reference: Community, Opinion Leaders, Trendsetters, Common Tradition/Traits/Habits

// Social Acceptance: Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis // Nature of Consumption/Prescription: Plural/Singular, Dose (Quality/Quantity) // Location: Privacy/Public // Law: Legal Framework)// Labelling: Destructive/Constructive Substance // Availability: On Prescription (Physician), Purchase/Legal Market (Retail Sales/Wholesales), Illegal Market (Black Market)

[39] Drug (Wikiped)

[40] Medication (Wikiped)

[41] Related features as follows: Homebodies Blinded by the (Screen) Light! - Cal Caleido’s Caleidoscope ––– Happy Human Plug-Ins! - Cal Caleido’s Caleidoscope ( ––– Disciples of Digital Nihilism: - Cal Caleido’s Caleidoscope Common Soci(et)al Cross-Purposes [2/3] - Cal Caleido’s Caleidoscope ––– Big! Bulky! Beautiful! (Un)Happy People! - Cal Caleido’s Caleidoscope

[42] Caffeine (Wikiped) ––– related as follows: Coffee (Wikiped) ––– Tea (Wikiped) ––– Energy drink (Wikiped) | Energy Drink Consumption: Beneficial and Adverse Health Effects - PMC ( Individuals usually develop symptoms of caffeine intoxication in doses equal to or above 200 mg. Symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, gastrointestinal upset, muscle twitching, restlessness, and periods of inexhaustibility. (14) In addition, High caffeine intake is associated with acute and chronic daily headaches by stimulating a pro-nociceptive state of cortical hyperexcitability.

[43] Sugar (Wikiped)

[44] Fat (Wikiped) ––– related: Cholesterol (Wikiped)

[45] Sugar substitute (Wikiped)

[46] Flavoring (Wikiped)

[47] Related features as follows: Common Soci(et)al Cross-Purposes [1/3] - Cal Caleido’s Caleidoscope ––– Big! Bulky! Beautiful! (Un)Happy People! - Cal Caleido’s Caleidoscope

[48] Related feature: Big! Bulky! Beautiful! (Un)Happy People! - Cal Caleido’s Caleidoscope

[49] Pleasantville (film) (Wikiped) ––– Pleasantville (1998) Official Trailer - Tobey Maguire, Reese Witherspoon Comedy Movie HD - YouTube

[50] Note: A Project Engineer having travelled the world.

[51] Note: Having commenced a career as a Secretary until Cal was born.

[52] Note: A Continental Breakfast is a light breakfast usually including baked goods, jam, fruit, coffee and a glass of table water plus two Aspirin or one Alka-Seltzer.

[53]One early morning, little Cal and his Sis heard their Mom screaming like hell, then rushing to the kitchen, watching her waving a kitchen knife wildly in her hand turning on the one, "abandoning one's family".

[54] Mother’s Little Helper: The History of Valium | History Hit ––– related as follows: Diazepam (Wikiped) ––– Thalidomide (Wikiped) ––– Thalidomide scandal (Wikiped)

[55] The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Official Video) - YouTube

[56] The 60s Flower Power - YouTube

[57] 1969 Woodstock, the greatest American concert event ever. (

[58] Opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War (Wikiped) ––– List of protests against the Vietnam War (Wikiped) ––– Anti Vietnam War Protest - Washington DC 1967 (

[59] Timothy Leary (Wikiped) ––– related as follows: Leary v. United States (Wikiped) ––– Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 (Wikiped) ––– Controlled Substances Act (Wikiped)

[60] Eight-circuit model of consciousness (Wikiped)

[61] Central Intelligence Agency (Wikiped)

[62] MKUltra (Wikiped) ––– related as follows: Mind Control: The MKULTRA Files ( ––– MK-Ultra: The CIA's secret pursuit of 'mind control' ( ––– MK-Ultra ( MK Ultra (film) (Wikiped)

[63] Inhalant (Wikiped) ––– specifically related to the US as follows: Understanding Adolescent Inhalant Use ( ––– Assessment of Annual Cost of Substance Use Disorder in US Hospitals - PubMed ( By substance type, the cost ranged from $4 million for inhalant-related disorders to $7.6 billion for alcohol-related disorders. ––– related as follows // Globally prevailing Use of Inhalants among Children and Adolescents: The epidemiology of substance use among street children in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PMC ( ––– The epidemiology of substance use among street children in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PMC ( ––– specifically related to Child Labour: Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour ( ––– | ––– United States of America: Inhalant Use and Inhalant Use Disorders in the United States - PMC ( ––– Inhalant Abuse and Dependence Among Adolescents in the United States - PMC ( ––– | ––– Latin America: SciELO - Brazil - The prevalence of inhalant use and associated factors among adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil The prevalence of inhalant use and associated factors among adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil ––– | ––– Europe / Asia: Inhalants use among school children in Europe in 2015 | Statistaspecifically related to Child Labour in Europe and Central Asia: Child Labour in Europe and Central Asia ( deprives children from the time and opportunity needed to pass through the most critical developmental stages of life. The psychological side-effects of street work include trauma, low self-esteem, emotional disorders, and depression, as well as rob the child of moral and spiritual values. These children are also at higher risk to addictive behaviours such as alcohol and substance abuse, particularly chemical inhalants such as solvents, a dhesives, and paints.

[64] Adhesive (Wikiped)

[65] Nail polish remover (Wikiped)

[66] White spirit (Wikiped)

[67] Gasoline (Wikiped)

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